ASTM B134 Specification

This specification establishes requirements for round, hexagonal, octagonal, rectangular and square brass wire of UNS Alloys C21000, C22000, C22600, C23000, C23400, C24000, C26000, C27000, and C27400. 1.2 Units—The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text and tables, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents: therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard.

Chemical Composition

Copper Alloy UNS No. Composition, %
Copper Lead, max Iron, max Zinc
C21000 94.0-96.0 0.05 0.05 remainder
C22000 89.0-91.0 0.05 0.05 remainder
C22600 86.0-89.0 0.05 0.05 remainder
C23000 84.0-86.0 0.05 0.05 remainder
C23400 81.0-84.0 0.05 0.05 remainder
C24000 78.5-81.5 0.05 0.05 remainder
C26000 68.5-71.5 0.07 0.05 remainder
C27000 63.0-68.5 0.10 0.07 remainder
C27400 61.0-64.0 0.10 0.05 remainder

Grain Size Requirements and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Annealed Wire

Temper Designation Grain Size, mm Approximate Rockwell Hardness for Rectangular WireA
F Scale 30-T Scale
Standard B 601 Nominal Min Max Min Max Min Max
Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000
OS050 0.050 0.035 0.090 40B 52B ... 4
OS035 0.035C 0.025 0.050 47B 54B ... 7
OS015 0.015C D 0.025 54B 65B 7 23
Copper Alloy UNS No. C22000
OS050 0.050 0.035 0.090 50 60 1 16
OS035 0.035C 0.025 0.050 54 64 7 21
OS025 0.025 0.015 0.035 58 70 13 31
OS015 0.015C D 0.025  62   75   19     39
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C22600, C23000, and C23400
OS070 0.070 0.050 0.100 53 60 6 16
OS050 0.050C 0.035 0.070 56 63 10 20
OS035 0.035C 0.025 0.050 58 66 13 24
OS025 0.025C 0.015 0.035 60 72 16 34
OS015 0.015C D 0.025 62 79 19 48
OS010 0.010C D 0.015 66 83 25 50
Copper Alloy UNS No. C24000
OS070 0.070 0.050 0.120 53 64 2 21
OS050 0.050C 0.035 0.070 57 67 8 27
OS035 0.035C 0.025 0.050 61 72 16 35
OS025 0.025C 0.015 0.035 63 77 20 42
OS015 0.015C D 0.025 66 83 25 50
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C26000, C27000, and C27400
OS120 0.120 0.070 ... 50 62 ... 21
OS070 0.070 0.050 0.120 52 67 3 27
OS050 0.050 0.035 0.070 61 73 20 35
OS035 0.035 0.025 0.050 65 76 25 38
OS025 0.025 0.015 0.035 67 79 27 42
OS015 0.015 D 0.025 72 85 33 50

A. Rockwell hardness values apply as follows: The F scale applies to metal 0.020 in. [0.5 mm] in thickness and over; the 30-T scale applies to metal 0.015 in. [0.4 mm] in thickness and over.
B. Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000 in these several OS (annealed) tempers is too soft for Rockwell F hardness tests below 0.030 in. [0.75 mm] in thickness.
C. The nominal grain sizes are those in which wire other than rectangular are normally available. Rectangular wire is normally available in any of the nominal grain sizes listed.
D. Although no minimum grain size is required, the material must be fully recrystallized.

Mechanical Properties for Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Square Wire 0.020 in. and Over in Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces (Imperial)

Temper Designation Tensile Strength, ksiA
Code Name Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000 Copper Alloy UNS No. C22000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C22600 and C23000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C23400 and C24000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C26000, C27000, and C27400
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
H00 eighth-hard 35 45 38 50 43 57 50 65 50 65
H01 quarter-hard 41 51 45 57 53 65 62 75 62 77
H02 half-hard 49 58 56 67 66 77 78 90 79 94
H03 three-quarter hard 57 64 64 74 76 86 90 101 92 107
H04B hard 61 68 70 79 83 92 100 110 102 117
H06C,D extra-hard 66 73 78 86 94 102 112 121 115 129
H08E,D spring 72 ... 84 ... 100 ... 116 ... 120 ...

A. ksi = 1000 psi.
B. H04 (hard) temper wire is not generally available in sizes over 1⁄2 in. in diameter.
C. H06 (extra-hard) temper is not generally available in sizes over 3⁄8 in. in diameter.
D. Square wire is not generally available in extra hard or spring tempers.
E. H08 (spring) temper is not generally available in sizes over 1⁄4 in. in diameter

Mechanical Properties for Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Square Wire 0.020 in. and Over in Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces (Metric)

Temper Designation Tensile Strength, MPaA
Code Name Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000 Copper Alloy UNS No. C22000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C22600 and C23000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C23400 and C24000 Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C26000, C27000, and C27400
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
H00 eighth-hard 240 310 260 345 295 395 345 450 345 450
H01 quarter-hard 285 350 310 395 365 450 425 515 425 530
H02 half-hard 340 400 385 460 455 530 540 620 545 650
H03 three-quarter hard 395 440 440 510 525 595 620 700 635 740
H04B hard 420 470 485 545 570 635 690 760 700 810
H06C,D extra-hard 455 505 540 595 650 700 770 830 790 890
H08E,D spring 495 ... 580 ... 690 ... 800 ... 830




B. H04 (hard) temper wire is not generally available in sizes over 13 mm in diameter.
C. H06 (extra-hard) temper is not generally available in sizes over 10 mm in diameter.
D. Square wire is not generally available in extra hard or spring tempers.
E. H08 (spring) temper is not generally available in sizes over 6 mm in diameter.

Mechanical Properties and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Rectangular Wire (Imperial)

Temper Designation Tensile Strength, ksi Approximate Rockwell Hardness A
B Scale Superficial 30-T
Standard B 601 Former Min Max 0.020 to 0.036 in. incl Over 0.036 in. 0.012 to 0.028 in. incl Over 0.028 in.
Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000
H01 quarter-hard 37 47 20-48 24-52 34-51 37 54
H02 half-hard 42 52 40-56 44-60 46-57 4S-59
H03 three-quarter-hard 46 56 50-61 53-64 52-60 54-62
H04 hard 50 59 57-64 60-67 57-62 59-64
H06 extra hard 56 64 64-70 66-72 62-66 63-67
H08 spring 60 6S 68-73 70-75 64-65 65-69
H10 extra spring 61 69 69-74 71-76 65-69 66-70
Copper Alloy UNS No. C22000
H01 quarter-hard 40 50 27-52 31-56 38-53 41-56
H02 half-hard 47 57 50-63 53-66 52-61 54-63
H03 three-quarter-hard 52 62 59-68 62-71 58..64 60-66
H04 hard 57 66 65-72 68-75 62-66 64-6S
H06 extra hard 64 72 72 77 74-79 67-71 68-72
H08 spring 69 77 76-79 78-81 70-72 71-73
H10 extra spring 72 80 78-81 80-83 71-73 72-74
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C22600, C23000
H01 quarter-hard 44 54 33-58 37-62 42-57 45-60
H02 half-hard 51 61 56-68 59-71 56-64 58-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 57 67 66-73 69-76 63-6S 65-70
H04 hard 63 72 72-78 74-80 67-71 68-72
H06 extra hard 72 80 78-83 80-85 70-74 71-75
H08 spring 78 86 82-85 84-87 74-76 75-77
H10 extra spring 82 90 84-87 86-89 75-77 76-78
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C23400 and C24000
H01 quarter-hard 48 58 38-61 42-65 42-57 45-60
H02 half-hard 55 65 59-70 62-73 56-64 58-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 61 71 69-76 72-79 63-68 65-70
H04 hard 68 77 76-82 78-84 68-72 69-73
H06 extra hard 78 87 83-87 85-89 72-75 73-76
H08 spring 85 93 87-90 89-92 75-77 76-78
H10 extra spring 89 97 88-91 90 93 76-78 77-79
Copper Alloy UNS No. C26000
H01 quarter-hard 49 59 40-61 44-65 43-57 46-60
H02 half-hard 57 67 60-74 63-77 56-66 58-68
H03 three-quarter-hard 64 74 72-79 75-82 65-70 67-72
H04 hard 71 81 79-84 81-86 70-73 71-74
H06 extra hard 83 92 85-89 87-91 74-76 75-77
H08 spring 91 100 89-92 90-93 76-78 76-78
H10 extra spring 95 104 91-94 92-95 77-79 77-79
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C27000 and C27400
H01 quarter-hard 49 59 40-61 44-65 43-57 46-60
H02 half-hard 55 65 57-71 60-74 54-64 56-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 62 72 70-77 73-80 65-69 67-71
H04 hard 68 78 76-82 78-84 68-72 69-73
H06 extra hard 79 89 83-87 85-89 73-75 74-76
H08 spring 86 95 87-90 89-92 75-77 76-78
H10 extra spring 90 99 88-91 90 93 76-78 77-79

A. Rockwell hardness values apply as follows: the B scale values apply to metal 0.020 in. and over in thickness, and the 30-T scale values apply to metal 0.012 in. and over in thickness.

Mechanical Properties and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Rectangular Wire (Metric)

Temper Designation Tensile Strength, ksi Approximate Rockwell Hardness A
B Scale Superficial 30-T
Standard B 601 Former Min Max 0.020 to 0.036 in. incl Over 0.036 in. 0.012 to 0.028 in. incl Over 0.028 in.
Copper Alloy UNS No. C21000
H01 quarter-hard 255 325 20-48 24-52 34-51 37-54
H02 half-hard 290 360 40-56 44-60 46-57 4B-59
H03 three-quarter-hard 315 3B5 50-61 53-64 52-60 54-62
H04 hard 345 405 57-64 60-67 57-62 59-64
H06 extra hard 3B5 440 64-70 66-72 62-66 63-67
H08 spring 415 470 68-73 70-75 64-6B 65-69
H10 extra spring 420 475 69-74 71-76 65-69 66-70
Copper Alloy UNS No. C22000
H01 quarter-hard 275 345 27-52 31-56 38-53 41-56
H02 half-hard 325 395 50-63 53-66 52-61 54-63
H03 three-quarter-hard 360 425 59-68 62-71 58-64 60-66
H04 hard 395 455 65-72 6B-75 62-66 64-68
H06 extra hard 440 495 72-77 74-79 67-71 68-72
H08 spring 475 530 76-79 78-81 70-72 71-73
H10 extra spring 495 550 78-81 80-83 71-73 72-74
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C22600, C23000
H01 quarter-hard 305 370 33-58 37-62 42-57 45-60
H02 half-hard 350 420 56-68 59-71 56-64 58-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 395 460 66-73 69-76 63-68 65-70
H04 hard 435 495 72-78 74-80 67-71 68-72
H06 extra hard 495 550 78-83 80-85 70-74 71-75
H08 spring 540 595 82-85 84-87 74-76 75-77
H10 extra spring 565 620 84-87 86-89 75-77 76-78
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C23400 and C24000
H01 quarter-hard 330 400 38-61 42-65 42-57 45-60
H02 half-hard 380 450 59-70 62-73 56-64 58-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 420 490 69-76 72-79 63-68 65-70
H04 hard 470 530 76-82 78-84 68-72 69-73
H06 extra hard 540 600 83-87 85-89 72-75 73-76
H08 spring 585 640 87-90 89-92 75-77 76-78
H10 extra spring 615 670 88-91 90-93 76-78 77-79
Copper Alloy UNS No. C26000
H01 quarter-hard 340 405 40-61 44-65 43-57 46-60
H02 half-hard 395 460 60-74 63-77 56-66 58-60
H03 three-quarter-hard 440 510 72-79 75-82 65-70 67-72
H04 hard 490 560 79-84 81-86 70-73 71-74
H06 extra hard 570 635 85-89 87-91 74-76 75-77
H08 spring 625 690 89-92 90-93 76-78 76-78
H10 extra spring 655 720 91-94 92-95 77-79 77-79
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C27000 and C27400
H01 quarter-hard 340 405 40-61 44-65 43-57 46-60
H02 half-hard 380 450 57-71 60-74 54-64 56-66
H03 three-quarter-hard 425 495 70-77 73-80 65-69 67-71
H04 hard 470 540 76-82 78-84 68-72 69-73
H06 extra hard 545 615 83-87 85-89 73-75 74-76
H08 spring 595 655 87-90 89-92 75-77 76-78
H10 extra spring 620 685 88-91 90-93 76-78 77-79

B. Rockwell hardness values apply as follows: the B scale values apply to metal 0.5 mm and over in thickness, and the 30-T scale values apply to metal 0.3 mm and over in thickness.